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Nuclear RCRA Hazardous & Municipal Landfills

ENVIROTECH ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC., has extensive experience in landfill design and construction quality control. Our experience has primarily been with nuclear, RCRA hazardous and municipal landfills.

RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) is the public law that creates the framework for the proper management of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste.

In 2019, we were engaged to assess the suitability of proposed land addition to the permitted boundary of an existing waste facility for future design and use as landfill disposal cells in order to prolong the longevity of the existing facility operations. The proposed expansion area included approximately 720 acres of undeveloped land located adjacent to the existing facility.

Our work included:

  • Land Survey (Land Boundaries and Topographic Surveys)
  • Site Suitability Study
  • Geology and Regional Hydrogeologic Study
  • Groundwater Study
  • Groundwater Monitoring
  • Subsurface Investigation
  • Waste Management Plan
  • Waste Exclusion Plan
  • Seismic Study
  • Flood Zone Study
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Review
  • Construction Quality Assurance Plan

Geologic conditions for the proposed land addition were studied and evaluated by both desktop review and information gathered from an extensive subsurface investigation. ENVIROTECH and subcontractors drilled seventy-two (72) borings on the 720 acres of land proposed for the expansion.  The investigation methods and techniques utilized were designed to identify and document subsurface conditions, groundwater depths, and flow direction, as well as to determine the engineering properties of the soils for earthwork construction activities, clay liner, and aquitards.

Future and ongoing work consist of a construction quality assurance plan to ensure that the facility complies with applicable EPA and state specific regulations and demonstrates that the regulatory requirements for the construction of the landfill and closure caps, including the inspection of liners, are met. Additionally, piezometers were used to document the seasonal fluctuation of groundwater. The depth of groundwater from the piezometers is being gauged and recorded on a monthly basis.

Categories: Construction QA/QC , Environmental and Geotechnical Drilling , Environmental Sampling and Field Services , Solid Waste